Time for You to Consult an Infertility Treatment Specialist in KL

Ask yourself this question: have you been trying to conceive with your partner and no results are yields still? If yes, calm down before you are worried if you are the leading cause of the infertility problem. It is a common issue that infertility is happening out of everyone.

Common Root for Female Impotence


polycystic ovarian syndrome

First of all, cancer is the most massive issue, as many people can get cancer quickly. It is also one of the causes of female fertility. As radiation and chemotherapy can affect the function of production organs. Take note that reproductive cancers are the staple for female infertility, such as cancer in breast, ovaries, vulva, uterus, cervix, and endometrium.

Pelvic Adhesions

Have you considered taking an IUI treatment? As the name suggests, it is a medical condition that causes disease when the adhesion cause female internal tissues and organs to stick together. It is a common disease that occurs after surgery. Free consultation available here!

Early Menopause


According to family planning experts, this disease represents women’s ovaries to stop functioning, which causes menstruation to ends before the age of forty averagely. Immune system disease, genetic conditions are possible to contribute to this disease. Utilize egg freezing to prevent when this event occurs.

It affects a minority of women, whereas 5% of women that are less than 45 age occur early menopause. One of the medical causes is premature ovarian failure. Other causes include cancer treatment, as mentioned above. Women, take notes of the symptoms of early menopause, which can be hot flash, reduce sex drive, sleep disturbance and many more. Men need to undergo a full medical check-up to understand the condition and health of the semen they produce as well.

Endometriosis is also one of the roots for infertility

In common words, it is happening because the endometrial tissue is growing outside of the uterus, which impacts the functions of uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. As the name suggests, the disease could happen on you when the lining of the uterus grows in other places. The possible reason could be a weak immune system.

Consult an endometriosis specialist from KL Fertility Clinic to solve the disease that causes cysts, heavy periods, cramps and infertility. As their professionality include conducting a pelvic examination. Such as ultra-scan, magnetic resonance imaging and laparoscopy.

Ovulation Disorders

It is caused by PCOS, as hormonal imbalance has interfered with the regular ovulation of women. An abnormal amount of male hormone will produce, resulting in the inequality of hormone and cause the female to skip a menstrual period.

Age Is Everything in Infertility

freezing eggs

There is a good reason why elders always advise women to conceive early or at a younger generation. As the age increase, the burden on the female body becomes more magnificent. Hence, it can affect infertility.

One-third of couples who age over 30 face fertility problems. During the age of 20 and above, the female body is in perfect condition for pregnancy, as time and biology are on your side.

Research proves that women’s fertility rate and function are at its highest during early 20 and above. The highest quality eggs produced during this stage. The eggs produced at this rate also has less chance to get genetic abnormalities such as down syndrome.

More importantly, the miscarriage is ridiculously low at the age of 20. Research proved that the risk of miscarriage is at 25% for women at the age of 40 when compared to 12% for women age 20.

Not to forget that it is also physically more natural for women to carry a child when they are young as they have lower birth weight and premature babies. Hence, you have to understand the best time to get pregnant.

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